Contact: - Main website: VAT number: NL003195962B19; Chamber of Commerce number: 77459504

Copper Mat like the CU-180

First mail: Ok, just compared the MS NL mat, to two of my original MS CU-180's. If anything, it's lightly better in the bass and detail! Well done!!! Second mail: I will now send your version, with an original to Art bDudley a good friend! To be continued….. Robin Wyatt Robyatt Audio Note: Robin Wyatt and have decided that distribution in the USA will be done exclusivly by Royatt Audio.

Motor-Unit Dereneville.

Dear Rainer, The motor arrived today and has been installed. It’s a beautiful piece of engineering. A solid build. The motor is superb. The speed is now a perfect 33.33. I hear big improvements in the sound, it’s more dynamic, a huge sound stage and very transparent. I am a very happy bunny and it’s the right time of the year with Easter around the corner. Thanks for an excellent recommendation and a smooth and efficient transaction - your support has been exceptional. Wishing the family a happy Easter, happy holidays Warm regards Sanjiv

Motor-Unit Dereneville.

Lieber Rainer Seit letzten November spielt der DMS 5001 zusammen mit meinem Micro Seiki RX-1500 und ich war von Anfang an schockverliebt in diesen Motor! Im Vorfeld hatte ich mir schon viele Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie groß der Unterschied zum originalen Micro Seiki Motor sein wird. Mit dem DMS 5001 ging es dann aber einen richtig gewaltigen Sprung nach vorne!!! Teilweise dachte ich, dass ich meine LPs wirklich neu höre. Dort wo man für gewöhnlich "Luft" zwischen den einzelnen Musikern hörte, war sie nun wirklich zu hören. Die räumliche Ausdehnung der Aufnahme nahm frappierende Ausmaße an, die Instrumente klangen länger aus und Stimmen bekamen einen Schmelz, wie ich ihn vorher nicht kannte. Zu der tollen Ausstattung wurde schon einiges hier geschrieben und erwähnenswert ist auch die wirklich tolle Qualität der Haptik. Daran kann sich manch ein Hersteller ruhig mal eine Scheibe abschneiden. Gruß Frank N.


"Thank you SO very much. I received it (Dust Cap C-853) the day before yesterday and it is perfect! It looks very beautiful. Thank you so much for your help. I truly appreciate it. If I need more items, I will order from you again. I wish you much success in your business endeavors.” S. Song from USA.


“Hallo Herr Bruin, Ich wollte mich hiermit nochmal bei Ihnen sehr herzlich für meine Special C-853 bedanken. Die Haube ist vorgestern, sicher verpackt bei mir eingetroffen. Ausgepackt und aufgestellt habe ich sie natürlich noch am gleichen Abend. Sieht wirklich toll aus und auch die extra Öffnung hinten passt genau! Anbei schicke ich ihnen noch einige Bilder. Vielen Dank nochmal für die tolle Arbeit. Mit besten Grüßen” S.K. From Germany.


“The dust cover was too large for the glass plate of my audio rack. After ordering and mounting a new larger (deeper) glass plate I could finally place my turntable and the dust cap. The control unit had to be put lower, because I use tree arms. (no problem) Dirk, you have made a perfect dust cap: the turntable is now protected against dust and aesthetic it is a beauty. I am very very happy with it.”


Hi Dirk, I would like to thank you for the excellent C-853 Dustcover. The package was perfect and arrived in perfect condition. With a little of attention, mounting the dustcover is a breeze and the final result is breathtaking.. Solid, perfect coupling and so beautiful.. Thank you so much, Regards, M. A. P. from Rome; Italy”


"I wanted a dust cover for my Micro Seiki RX-5000 that would be large enough to accommodate the turntable plinth, the motor unit and four tonearms including a 12-inch long SME 3012. The standard C-853 and C-1000 were beautiful and well made, but not quite large enough. I asked Dirk from to custom-make this unit for me, which we called the C-5000. It uses C-853 hardware, but is larger. As the pictures show, it accommodates all my gear under one cover. When closed, the presentation looks like a museum display of analog gear!The quality of the cover is very high, with attention to detail, precision tolerances, excellent fit and perfect finishes. The cover is easy to assemble. The clear Plexiglas panels still had their protective film covers, which peel off easily, revealing completely flawless plastic beneath. Not a scratch anywhere. The large lid opens smoothly on its massive stainless steel hinge pins and rests upright, making it easy to play LP's.Owners of high-end Micro Seiki turntables need a cover to protect their valuable LP gear against dust, but also against accidental knocks and bumps. In my case, I have an adventurous cat who is now less interested in vinyl since the cover arrived. A fine Micro deserves a fine cover, and with the C- 5000 they will get beauty, quality and utility to match your turntable. THANKS, DIRK." JK FROM MIAMI USA.


„Dear Mr. Bruin, The platter ring well received. More massive than expected. Sound improves using it. Bass is more tight which also improves resolution. See below picture with platter ring installed on the 8000“. HBH; FROM SINGAPORE.



RW-1500 AND R-15.

“I finally managed to install the feet and the RW-1500. Installation was very easy in all less than an hour (including the set-up of the arms). This was due to the fantastic build quality of the products. If you were not Dutch I would say serious German engineering! The improvement in sound quality is simply unbelievable. The turntable made a big step in every dimension. Thank you very much. I really did not think this was possible. And the improvement per Euro spent is even more incredible. So what would you recommend as a next step. Get the platter? (I use the aluminum platter with the CU180) or get the flywheel?” FB; FROM ZUG; SWITZERLAND. (UPDATE RW-1500 + R-15)

RW-1500 AND R-15.

„Hallo Herr Bruin, Alles bestens, die Teile haben perfekt gepasst. Der Einbau war in wenigen Minuten erledigt.Klanglich hat sich auch einiges getan. Das Klangbild wirkt ruhiger, mit mehr Substanz, Töne klingen länger aus, insgesamt ist die Abbildung in sich stimmiger, kraftvoller, fließender.Es war eine gute Entscheidung umzurüsten. Vielen Dank für Ihren Support und weiterhin viel Erfolg.“ MR. MS FROM GERMANY. (UPDATE RW-1500 + R-15)

RW-1500 AND R-15.

Please read this very extensive feedback from Mr. Kardach; Germany. Click me


„Der Klang des RT 2000 ist phantastisch, die Instrumente klingen klarer, der Bass ist straffer und das Beste ist, Blech klingt nach Blech“. FB; aus Berlin. „The sound of the RT 2000 is fantastic, the instruments sound clearer, the bass is tighter and best of all, metal sounds like metal“. FB; FROM BERLIN.

Copper Mat like the CU-180

First mail: Ok, just compared the MS NL mat, to two of my original MS CU-180's. If anything, it's lightly better in the bass and detail! Well done!!! Second mail: I will now send your version, with an original to Art bDudley a good friend! To be continued….. Robin Wyatt Robyatt Audio Note: Robin Wyatt and have decided that distribution in the USA will be done exclusivly by Royatt Audio.

Motor-Unit Dereneville.

Dear Rainer, The motor arrived today and has been installed. It’s a beautiful piece of engineering. A solid build. The motor is superb. The speed is now a perfect 33.33. I hear big improvements in the sound, it’s more dynamic, a huge sound stage and very transparent. I am a very happy bunny and it’s the right time of the year with Easter around the corner. Thanks for an excellent recommendation and a smooth and efficient transaction - your support has been exceptional. Wishing the family a happy Easter, happy holidays Warm regards Sanjiv

Motor-Unit Dereneville.

Lieber Rainer Seit letzten November spielt der DMS 5001 zusammen mit meinem Micro Seiki RX-1500 und ich war von Anfang an schockverliebt in diesen Motor! Im Vorfeld hatte ich mir schon viele Gedanken darüber gemacht, wie groß der Unterschied zum originalen Micro Seiki Motor sein wird. Mit dem DMS 5001 ging es dann aber einen richtig gewaltigen Sprung nach vorne!!! Teilweise dachte ich, dass ich meine LPs wirklich neu höre. Dort wo man für gewöhnlich "Luft" zwischen den einzelnen Musikern hörte, war sie nun wirklich zu hören. Die räumliche Ausdehnung der Aufnahme nahm frappierende Ausmaße an, die Instrumente klangen länger aus und Stimmen bekamen einen Schmelz, wie ich ihn vorher nicht kannte. Zu der tollen Ausstattung wurde schon einiges hier geschrieben und erwähnenswert ist auch die wirklich tolle Qualität der Haptik. Daran kann sich manch ein Hersteller ruhig mal eine Scheibe abschneiden. Gruß Frank N.


"Thank you SO very much. I received it (Dust Cap C- 853) the day before yesterday and it is perfect! It looks very beautiful. Thank you so much for your help. I truly appreciate it. If I need more items, I will order from you again. I wish you much success in your business endeavors.” S. Song from USA.


“Hallo Herr Bruin, Ich wollte mich hiermit nochmal bei Ihnen sehr herzlich für meine Special C-853 bedanken. Die Haube ist vorgestern, sicher verpackt bei mir eingetroffen. Ausgepackt und aufgestellt habe ich sie natürlich noch am gleichen Abend. Sieht wirklich toll aus und auch die extra Öffnung hinten passt genau! Anbei schicke ich ihnen noch einige Bilder. Vielen Dank nochmal für die tolle Arbeit. Mit besten Grüßen” S.K. From Germany.


“The dust cover was too large for the glass plate of my audio rack. After ordering and mounting a new larger (deeper) glass plate I could finally place my turntable and the dust cap. The control unit had to be put lower, because I use tree arms. (no problem) Dirk, you have made a perfect dust cap: the turntable is now protected against dust and aesthetic it is a beauty. I am very very happy with it.”


Hi Dirk, I would like to thank you for the excellent C-853 Dustcover. The package was perfect and arrived in perfect condition. With a little of attention, mounting the dustcover is a breeze and the final result is breathtaking.. Solid, perfect coupling and so beautiful.. Thank you so much, Regards, M. A. P. from Rome; Italy”


"I wanted a dust cover for my Micro Seiki RX-5000 that would be large enough to accommodate the turntable plinth, the motor unit and four tonearms including a 12-inch long SME 3012. The standard C- 853 and C-1000 were beautiful and well made, but not quite large enough. I asked Dirk from Micro- to custom-make this unit for me, which we called the C-5000. It uses C-853 hardware, but is larger. As the pictures show, it accommodates all my gear under one cover. When closed, the presentation looks like a museum display of analog gear!The quality of the cover is very high, with attention to detail, precision tolerances, excellent fit and perfect finishes. The cover is easy to assemble. The clear Plexiglas panels still had their protective film covers, which peel off easily, revealing completely flawless plastic beneath. Not a scratch anywhere. The large lid opens smoothly on its massive stainless steel hinge pins and rests upright, making it easy to play LP's.Owners of high- end Micro Seiki turntables need a cover to protect their valuable LP gear against dust, but also against accidental knocks and bumps. In my case, I have an adventurous cat who is now less interested in vinyl since the cover arrived. A fine Micro deserves a fine cover, and with the C-5000 they will get beauty, quality and utility to match your turntable. THANKS, DIRK." JK FROM MIAMI USA.


„Dear Mr. Bruin, The platter ring well received. More massive than expected. Sound improves using it. Bass is more tight which also improves resolution. See below picture with platter ring installed on the 8000“. HBH; FROM SINGAPORE.



RW-1500 AND R-15.

“I finally managed to install the feet and the RW- 1500. Installation was very easy in all less than an hour (including the set-up of the arms). This was due to the fantastic build quality of the products. If you were not Dutch I would say serious German engineering! The improvement in sound quality is simply unbelievable. The turntable made a big step in every dimension. Thank you very much. I really did not think this was possible. And the improvement per Euro spent is even more incredible. So what would you recommend as a next step. Get the platter? (I use the aluminum platter with the CU180) or get the flywheel?” FB; FROM ZUG; SWITZERLAND. (UPDATE RW-1500 + R-15)

RW-1500 AND R-15.

„Hallo Herr Bruin, Alles bestens, die Teile haben perfekt gepasst. Der Einbau war in wenigen Minuten erledigt.Klanglich hat sich auch einiges getan. Das Klangbild wirkt ruhiger, mit mehr Substanz, Töne klingen länger aus, insgesamt ist die Abbildung in sich stimmiger, kraftvoller, fließender.Es war eine gute Entscheidung umzurüsten. Vielen Dank für Ihren Support und weiterhin viel Erfolg.“ MR. MS FROM GERMANY. (UPDATE RW-1500 + R-15)

RW-1500 AND R-15.

Please read this very extensive feedback from Mr. Kardach; Germany. Click me


„Der Klang des RT 2000 ist phantastisch, die Instrumente klingen klarer, der Bass ist straffer und das Beste ist, Blech klingt nach Blech“. FB; aus Berlin. „The sound of the RT 2000 is fantastic, the instruments sound clearer, the bass is tighter and best of all, metal sounds like metal“. FB; FROM BERLIN.