I searched for weeks finding a perfect rubber replacement of the standard rubber Pole Caps, but I couldn’t find them. So, I decided to make a Stainless Steel version. (Some RX-5000 have Stainless Steel Pole Caps too.) I know it’s not an upgrade in sound but it’s definitely a big upgrade in appearance. The Pole Caps I sell are also polished to look even more beautiful. So, if you ever lost some of the standard Pole Caps, or own damaged ones or just want a RX-1500 with an even more unique appearance than this is your chance.
Contact: information@micro-seiki.nl - Main website: www.micro-seiki.nl VAT number: NL003195962B19; Chamber of Commerce number: 77459504
I searched for weeks finding a perfect rubber replacement of the standard rubber Pole Caps, but I couldn’t find them. So, I decided to make a Stainless Steel version. (Some RX-5000 have Stainless Steel Pole Caps too.) I know it’s not an upgrade in sound but it’s definitely a big upgrade in appearance. The Pole Caps I sell are also polished to look even more beautiful. So, if you ever lost some of the standard Pole Caps, or own damaged ones or just want a RX-1500 with an even more unique appearance than this is your chance.

180,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.

180,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.