1. Rigid feet R-15 (Stainless Steel version)

The R-15 rigid feet are an exact copy of the original Micro-Seiki R-15 rigid posts. These feet can be used for: RX-1500 series, BL-99V, SX-1500 and SX-555FVW. All dimensions, material and weight are exactly copied from the original.

2. Rigid feet R-15-B (Brass version)

The R-15b are exactly the same as the R-15 feet. The only difference is that it is made of Brass instead of Stainless Steel. These feet deliver a very spectacular upgrade!!
Contact: information@micro-seiki.nl - Main website: www.micro-seiki.nl VAT number: NL003195962B19; Chamber of Commerce number: 77459504
Manual Manual

Extra … Pinpoints.

For the original R-15 we developed a spectacular update. Pinpoints. The benefits are: The RX-1500 will be totaly isolated; no more resonances! The overall perrfomance (Low-, Middle- and High tones get more detail.) Because the Turntable has only 4 tiny contacts, the height of the Turntable can be very easy adjusted. Placing it horizontal.

1. Rigid feet R-15 (Stainless Steel version)

The R-15 rigid feet are an exact copy of the original Micro-Seiki R-15 rigid posts. These feet can be used for: RX-1500 series, BL-99V, SX-1500 and SX-555FVW. All dimensions, material and weight are exactly copied from the original.

2. Rigid feet R-15-B (Brass version)

The R-15b are exactly the same as the R-15 feet. The only difference is that it is made of Brass instead of Stainless Steel. These feet deliver a very spectacular upgrade!!

Brass Version

Stainless Steel Version


610,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.

665,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.

Brass Version

Stainless Steel Version

200,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.


610,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.

665,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.

200,00 Euro

Including shipment costs.

After buying the Product

you will recieve a mail.